If you are currently enrolled in the OLP, then click here to access your courses.
The Torrington High School Online Learning Program (OLP) purpose is to provide an alternative instructional setting for students in order to meet their unique educational needs. Online learning is an independent, self-directed learning environment using an internet-based curriculum (Odysseyware) for instructional delivery.
All students who wish to be enrolled in the OLP must:
- Be recommended by their School Counselor (or other school official).
- Have signed and returned the TPS Acceptable Use Policy for Technology.
- Read and agree to the OLP's Expectations and Guidelines by signing the Online Learning Program Contract.
- Participate in the OLP Orientation.
Currently, students are assigned to online during the school day, periods 3 through 7. Some students, however, are assigned to the OLP during the after school hours or during study hall time. These students are expected to complete a majority of their coursework outside of school or during study hall, and must compete their tests and quizzes in the Online Learning Lab (Room 1426) either after school or during study hall.
OLP students are welcome to use the Online Learning Lab (Room 1426) during their study hall during periods 2 – 7, if there is a computer available. OLP students are also welcome during the program’s after school hours.
OLP Afterschool Hours Monday – Friday
By Appointment
Cindy Zwart - OLP Manager
The website is not loading correctly.
Check to see that you have typed the web address in correctly: http://torringtonsd.owschools.com. Or use the link at the top of this page.
I forgot my username and/or password.
Contact Mrs. Zwart at [email protected]. She will be able to access your username and/or can reset your password.